Sunday, January 3, 2010

W.I.S.H.L.I.S.T!!! (a.k.a MUST-DO list!)

start je tahun baru tak sah kalau takde wishlist. or should i say, MUST-DO. sebab nak tak nak kena buat jugak la..

1. holiday!!!
i really need a vacation right now. serabut la duk kl ni. nak kate aku kampung, kate la.. aku serabut!! -- destination: langkawi!! yippie!!

2. lose more n more weight!!
bikini body kalau boleh! kawan facebook aku taktau betapa gumuknyer aku. bukan merendah diri, tapi hakikat. tanya pakwe aku kalau tak caya. but he still manage to angkat me. will all his effort. good boy! hahah! so, kalau aku berjaya kurus, n kire hadiah untuk die la. n syg, thanx for loving me even i gemok camni.. ;)

pass all exam, n graduate! enough said.

4. savings!!
more n more! no shopping! err.. ok2. u can buy JUST ONE THING every 2 months. or every 5kgs u lose? how's that?? ahahaha definitely no food involved.

5. job!
no demand okay?? dapat keje kedai kasut, gaji rm700 pun ok la. daripada xkeja langsung. tapi kalau boleh cari la keja yang berpatutan.

6. driving license!!
a MUST! eleh nak gelak ke kite lambat amek? pedulik. ceh~~

7. bawak mak g makan2 tempat yang aku dah lame janji!

8. kumpul duit.
nak kawen!!!

9. tunaikan segala janji aku kat my cinta.
sori ek lambat tunai ;)

10. BE HAPPY!!!!

tu je kot. setakat ni. tahun 2010, dengan 10 wish. hopefully, dapat buat 6 pun jadi la..

wish me luck!



  1. 1- samala kite: ijah nak pi holiday at least once every two month la relax for a bit
    2- lose weight tu tak la sgt for me but lose fat yes...hehehe...asyik makan je...
    3- my goal for this year is also to graduate after finishing my master thesis which I am currently doing now...
    4- saving pun mungkin start very small la...still student apa je boleh save... allowance money bolehla...hehehe
    5- job: tolong small scale apa2 je yg boleh dpt duit for saving...hihihi :)
    6- mana nak gelak kat yanna...ok la tu at least ada niat nak ambik drpd tak ambik langsung kan? hmmm...
    7, 8, n 9- I wish you good luck in fulfilling them...terharu la pulak...
    10- As for being happy, I'm already sharing my happiness with you...and I have a family who supports me in whatever i do...

    I wish you Good Luck in fulfilling your 2010 can do it...

    :) Smile Always

  2. tq tq tq!! moga impian kita tercapai.. amin... =) thanx for reading ;)
